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"Герои меча и магии 1,2,3,4" кто играет?

Автор AliseDivni, 10 декабря 2004, 16:18:30

0 Пользователей и 1 гость просматривают эту тему.


Да, кроме как не на импасибле не интересно играть...

Бббб, то есть, только на импасибле и интересно.
ЦитироватьЯ тормозю, естессно... Там, где от руки, я и так знаю где... А генератора я тама не видела

Пока помочь не могу, у меня у самого героев нет, да и тормозят они у меня. Поэтому не знаю как конкретней помочь, а уж так и не вспомню.
Чужой земли не нужно нам и пяди, но и своей вершка не отдадим!


Пару слов о четвёртых героях.
1. Ну просто дико бесит ПОЛНОСТЬЮ содранный замок с Disciples! НЕНАВИЖУ плагиат!
2. В юнитах сплошная дегродация! Их стало меньше, чем в 3,5!!! Подсчитайте, сколько можно в замке нанять их в 4 и 3,5 хероесах...
3. Нафига было делать меню на пол экрана (сокращённое - извращение)? Мне игровое поле нужно, а не глупые, красивые иконки.
4. Теперь нет смысла атаковать первому (синхронные атаки)... Зачем было так сильно опускать контактных юнитов? Скорость теперь только для того, чтобы быстрее добежать до вражеских лучников...
5. НО хуже всего - это, бесспорно, штурм. Мля, ну я чуть со смеху не помер, когда увидел, КАК етот процесс выглядит.
Стена замка. Из-за стены торчит бошка юнита. Больше нифига не видно. Ладно. Сморози разработчики, главное, чтобы всё остальное было в тему. Как говорится, не дождётесь! Любой юнит могёт без проблем разнести ворота и ворваться в замок... Бред. В 3,5 только циклопы и катапульты могли себе такие шалости позволить. Окей. Проехали. Смотрим на башни.... Вы когда-нибудь видели кавалерию на них? нет? А я увидел... Страшное зрелище...Здоровенный конь с таким же жлобом на спене тычит пикой с самой макушки башни во врагов. Не, он не стреляет!!! Он так дотягивается!!! Теперь вообще не действует правило, когда можно было, сидя в замке, отбиться от намного более сильной армии.
6. Во время боя юниты совсем маленькие. А поле очень здоровое.
7. Зато отображение пути героя на главной карте сделано для слепых.
8. Прорисовка замка выполненна совсем убого. Если уж принцип содрали с Disciples, то почему бы и графон не прихватить...
9. Теперь если герой сильно прокачан, то его вообще нереально завалить. Ему и армия то не особо нужна. Взял возраждающей етой батвы и вперёд. Да и благодаря умениям он да ж сидя в замке и ресурсы и бабло приносит...
10. Игра стала очень долгой...
P.S. Пока разработчики выпускали никому не нужные апдейты к heroes 4, игра heroes 3,5  постепенно впитывала всё самое лучшее, что принёс четвёртый хер. В итоге появился Heroes 3,58f. Советую всем любителям установить этот патч. ПРОСТО СУПЕРСКАЯ ВЕЩЬ!!!
За женщиной остается последнее слово в любом споре.
Всякое слово, сказанное мужчиной после этого, является началом нового спора.


А где ты его взял? И че он делает?
Чужой земли не нужно нам и пяди, но и своей вершка не отдадим!


ЦитироватьПока помочь не могу, у меня у самого героев нет, да и тормозят они у меня. Поэтому не знаю как конкретней помочь, а уж так и не вспомню.

Я вчера два часа, как дура. от руки рисовала супер-мега-огромную карту.... Так и не дорисовала... И уже нет желания.. Генератор так и не нашла :ph34r:  
хочу уйти...


За 2 часа, даже маленькой дуэльной карты не нарисовать. Но если будет возможность я зайду к другану, у него вроде 4-е есть. Тогда и видно будет. А вообще если уж нужны карты, качай их из нета. Я таким макаром для 3-х много карт накачивал когда-то.Одна из 10 бывает неплохая.  ;)
Чужой земли не нужно нам и пяди, но и своей вершка не отдадим!


Если тебе интересно, то я выложу изменения, которые вносят последние патчи....
Не буду писать только про изменения в ERM

WoG version: 3.55


New Abilities:

1. Papyrus. Now you have a Papyrus that may keep any kind of text messages for
all heroes, all heroes of a particular player or one specific hero. The Papyrus
is controlled through the ERM and made as an addition to a Quest Log.
To get access to the Papyrus, go to the Hero View screen and press show Quest
Log button. If the Hero has any messages in his Papyrus, you will be asked
whether you want to see it or not. The standard Quest Log will be shown just
after a Papyrus. If the Hero has no messages in the Papyrus you will see a Quest
Log only.

2. WoGifiing. Now any map may be WoGified.
Whenever you play a random map, or any WOG-format map that has a filename
starting with "random_map" or "wogify_", that map will automatically include
many ERM scripts. These scripts will "wogify" the map, by converting some common
and unimportant objects into new objects (by object, I mean places you visit on
a map), and will add other new things, such as new abilities for artifacts and
modifications to secondary skills. If you want to play a non-random map with
these features, rename the map (to "wogify_youroriginalmapname.h3m"), load it
into the WOG map editor, and change the map format (under Tools/Map
Specifications) to In The Wake Of Gods. If your map already has some ERM scripts
before being wogified, it may cause ERM Error messages to appear if your script
conflicts with wogifiing scripts. Make sure that your map has NO other scripts
at all or check for variables, timers and functions used in the wogifiing

The default scripts are:
script00.erm - Wogify. This is the script that actually modifies the map to
include new WOG objects and monsters.
script01.erm - Map ######. This adds one or two ###### to a map that can
drastically alter the game. These are the messages that start "In this strange
######.." There are 20 different ###### (there may be more later).
script02.erm - Artifact Boost. This adds new functions to 20 existing Heroes
artifacts. Each artifact tells you what it does when you click on it.
script03.erm - Skills Boost. This adds new functions to 6 Heroes secondary
skills. Artillery deals damage before combat, First Aid revives dead creatures
after combat, Resistance downgrades enemies before combat, Eagle Eye teaches you
a spell each level, Learning gives you a chance of an extra primary skill point
each level, and Scouting gives you Rogues each day.
script04.erm - Arcane Tower. This is an object that lets you rearrange a hero's
primary skill points.
script05.erm - Bank. This is an object that can loan a player money - but takes
it back later with interest.
script06.erm - Demon Lord Summoning Artifact. This adds a new function to the
Hourglass Of The Evil Hour.
script07.erm - Fishing Well. This lets you fish at Magic Wells; anything can
script08.erm - Junk Merchant. This is an object that lets you sell bad
script09.erm - Market Of Time. This is an object that lets a hero forget skills.
script10.erm - Mushrooms. This defines four objects that temporarily teach
expert magic skills.
script11.erm - Palace Of Dreams. This is an object with slot machines that let
you win artifacts or resources.
script12.erm - Living Skull. This is an object that can locate artifacts for
script13.erm - Tavern Card Game. This lets you gamble at Taverns.
script14.erm - Transformation Altar. This is an object that radically transforms
a hero's army.
script15.erm - Mysterious Creature Dwelling. This is an object that gives each
hero some creature's of his own town type, once only.
script16.erm - Battle Academy. This is an object that sells heroes skills, skill
points, and artifacts.
script17.erm - Potions. This is three objects - two new fountains plus the
Fountain Of Fortune - that give a hero potions usable at the start of combat.
script18.erm - Alms House. This is an object that gives a little to those with
script20.erm - Week Of The Monster. This replaces the normal "week of" and
"month of" with a new "week of" that gives one monster type several bonuses for
that week.

3. Multiplayer support.
Now WoG maps with ERM will now work properly in multiplayer games. A map for
Multiplayer may also be WoGified. It will be done automatically if the map is a
random map or has a corresponding name (see paragraph above). WoGification will
be executed as usual at map start on the side of a Player who has the first
turn. That means that you need not have an exact copy of wogifiing scripts at
all players' sides, but you must be sure that they are correct on the PC of the
player who goes first. By default this is a Server side for a random map.
We tested a multiplayer with TCP/IP connection but expect that all other kind of
connections will work fine.

4. Wandering Monsters.
Now monsters can wander around a map once they have been set as a wandering
monster with ERM. A wandering monster may be set to chase a specific Hero, go to
a specific location, search for heroes or towns of a specific player or be a
"free" monster that may choose the nearest target and go in this direction. For
details, check out the MW receiver in the ERM help file.

 WoG version: 356

 New Abilities:

1. New ERMable Treasure chests. They operate as a general Treasure
  chest until you control it with ERM.

2. New ERMable resource Mithril.
  It is controlled by ERM. By default any Mithril stack is a random
  resource (except wood or ore) but looks like Mithril. If you turn
  Mithril "on" with ERM, you will have a new unique resource that is
  collected not only by human players but also by the AI.

3. Some new WoG objects (11).

4. Some new (mainly water) decorations (9).

5. After SG dies, SG Guards gain their speed back at the beginning
  of the next battle turn.

6. Check ERM356.TXT for lots of new ERM features.

7. New and updated Wogified scripts.
  Here's the full list of what script number has what:
  script00.erm - Wogify
  script01.erm - Map ######
  script02.erm - Artifact Boost
  script03.erm - Skills Boost
  script04.erm - Arcane Tower
  script05.erm - Bank
  script06.erm - Demon Lord Summoning Artifact
  script07.erm - Fishing Well
  script08.erm - Junk Merchant
  script09.erm - Market Of Time
  script10.erm - Mushrooms
  script11.erm - Palace Of Dreams
  script12.erm - Living Skull
  script13.erm - Tavern Card Game
  script14.erm - Transformation Altar
  script15.erm - Mysterious Creature Dwelling
  script16.erm - Battle Academy
  script17.erm - Potions
  script18.erm - Alms House
  script19.erm - [reserved for Sash]
  script20.erm - Week Of The Monster
  script21.erm - Freelancer's Guild
  script22.erm - Monster Mutterings
  script23.erm - Ring Of Loyalty
  script24.erm - Enhanced Hint Texts
  script25.erm - Map Enhancements
  script26.erm - Artificer's
  script27.erm - Spellbook
  script28.erm - School Of Wizardry
  script29.erm - Chest
  script30.erm - Adventure Cave

  The latest version adds the Freelancer's Guild, Ring Of Loyalty,
  Artificer, Spellbook, School of Wizardry, and Adventure Cave objects
  to maps, plus a new treasure chest.
  The latest version supports internet play (by not affecting human vs.
  human network battles).
  This is a new script that adds a new kind of treasure chest.
  This is a new script for an object where heroes can explore a small set
  of caves, with a large variety of contents.
 MCD 1.3 (Mysterious Creature Dwelling)
  The Mysterious Creature Dwelling gives every player once every 10 days
  7 random creatures attached to visiting hero.
  The Cost will be the same as recruiting in the Castle.
  Version 1.3 has changes in cost and can only be visited once per player
  not per hero (like 1.2) for a better balance.
  The Artificer upgrades once per day one Helmet, Sword, Shield or
  Breastplate that a visiting Heroe wears (not in backpack). Visiting
  Heroes will be asked which Artifact should get upgraded. He has to pay
  the price and the Artifact changes to one Level higher.
   Spellbooks found on the adventure map contains several spells. Also avoids
   a problem that heroes could carry extra spellbooks in their backpacks.
   Sells skills and spells, heroes may copy spells from scrolls to their
   spellbook. Uses a different object than before.
  This script changes the Ring of the Magi combination artifact into a
  standalone relic (cannot be built from combo parts nor split into them)
  with a completely new power replacing the old one. The artifact's new
  name is Ring of Loyalty. While this ring is equipped, an attacking hero
  will not abandon your cause after retreating from or being defeated
  in battle, but will instead stay on the adventure map. In addition,
  surviving troops (or the last few troops alive before the battle ends)
  will loyally remain with the hero.
  This script adds random text and dialogue to all monster stacks when
  they're attacked. Most of it is quite silly and all of it is just for
  fun. It works equally well with random monsters as it does with
  specifically-placed monsters. If a monster has customized text, this
  text will appear first, followed by the customized text after.
  This script enhances the information you see when you right-click on
  a dwelling. If you or an allied player own the dwelling, you'll be shown
  how many creatures are still available to be hired there. If the dwelling
  is unowned or owned by another non-allied player, you'll just be shown
  the standard information.
  This script enhances all Freelancer's Guilds on a map, allowing a hero
  who visits to hire a stack of monsters to hunt down an enemy. Either
  a specific hero or an entire faction (colour) may be specified as
  the target. If a specific hero is specified and the monsters successfully
  attack and kill that hero, they will then switch to hunting the faction
  of that hero's colour. Wandering monsters move 1 space per turn and will
  not move until two turns after they are initially hired. The cost for
  hiring freelance monsters is 1/25th of normal recruiting cost. If
  a monster cannot reach a hero or (hero or castle), it will move in that
  direction and get as close as possible. Wandering monsters cannot travel
  through subterranean gates, liths or across water.
  This script gives the option of using or not using several other WoGify
  scripts as well as the option of having Level 8 dwellings function like
  standard dwellings instead. This script should be used in conjunction
  with the following scripts: Week of Monsters, Enhanced Hint Text and
  Monster Mutterings.
  Version 1.1 fixes some bugs that allowed Asmodeus to be hired in
  a tavern after retreating from or being used a combat. It also makes
  minor message box changes and expands the right-click artifact
  information to explain the new demon summoning power.
  Version 1.1 adds a check for the Diety of Fire - if it's present, it
  will be "Week of the Imp" (with +15 Imp *and* +15 Familiar Growth).
  Version 1.2 adds special weeks for resources where mines of that type
  produce double the number (e.g., 2 crystals for Week of the Sparkling
  Crystals, 4 Wood for  Week of the Woodcutter).
 ALTAR OF TRANSFORMATION and LIVING SKULL updates fix some bugs but don't
  change anything.
   Uses a better way to check if it has been visited or not plus bug fixes.

 WoG Bug fixing:

1. santa Gremlin (SG) now has Pixies instead of Air Elementals as guards
  if a hero is a Planeswalker or Elementalist.

2. santa Gremlin (SG) now has Dwarves instead of Centaurus as guards
  if a hero is a Ranger or Druid.

  The number of Dwarves is 1/2 (but>0) of SG number.

3. SG growth is set to 1 per player daily.

4. SG number attack multiplier is reduced from 128 to 64.

5. If you have a dwelling of level 8th creature, you can hire
  it since a first day in a corresponding town (if you have
  an advanced 7th level town dwelling built there).

6. The Darkness Dragon flies back now everytime to
  the original position.

7. Multiplayer "Leave Army" bug fixed. When this is not your turn and
  your hero stays next to other player hero, you will not be offered
  to leave other player's hero army.

8. Multiplayer "Demolish Town" bug fixed. When this is not your turn and
  you cannot make any demolition in Towns.

 ERM Bug fixing {skip}

WoG version: 3.57

1. COMMANDERS. Every hero now has a personal Commander who fights on the
battlefield, gains experience, and goes up in level. You select which skills
your Commander advances in (four out of six possible skills), and at higher
levels you'll have the opportunity to select up to 6 (out of 15) special
abilities that may become available depending on the skills you've chosen.
Each Commander has a unique name and bio and each Commander type has its own
unique ability and spell that it may cast.

2. WOGIFY OPTIONS SCREEN. The brand new WoGify Options screen allows complete
customization of WoGification to suit any player's preference. The button to
reach this dialogue box is located in the Scenario Selection screen.
In addition to choosing which new objects, global enhancement scripts and map
###### will be in the game, the WoGify Options screen includes new options
like "Towns start without forts" and "All cartographers are replaced", plus
full disabling of movement spells and artifacts. WoG features such as
Commanders, Town Demolition and Arrow Tower experience can also be enabled
or disabled here.

3. WOGIFICATION EXTENDED. The WoGify Options Master Settings gives you the
choice between WoGifying only random maps, any WoG format map or even any
Heroes III format map (RoE, AB, SoD or WoG).

4. NEW COMBAT FEATURE. A new feature has been added to the combat screen to
give your shooting creatures a choice each round between shooting or
moving+attacking. Simply right-click on the Defend Button and you'll be
given the choice. The same feature works for spellcasting creatures
like faerie dragons and for attack+return creatures like harpies.

5. NEW SCRIPTS. Many new scripts for WoGify have been added to make WoGified
maps even more fun and diverse:

- Mithril adds piles of Mithril to the map and gives you a way to spend it.
Simply right-click on the Kingdom Overview button to see how much Mithril you
have and to bring up a complete price list.

- Mysticism Enhancement improves the Mysticism skill by making the spell
points regained a percentage plus adding new exciting abilities at each
skill level.

- Sorcery Enhancement improves the Sorcery skill by adding the ability to
right-click on treasures, artifacts and other objects to find out their value.
Higher skill levels add additional abilities.

- Summoning Stones is a new map object that lets you summon a stack of
creatures from one of your towns into your army.

- Karmic Battles (if enabled) adds additional monsters to the battlefield
in most combats fought against neutral armies. The added monsters start out
pretty weak but increase the more battles you fight.

- Treasure Chest 2 adds a new type of treasure chest.

- Cards of Prophecy enhances this tired old artifact with interesting new

- Rebalancing Factions (if enabled) tweaks many heroes and monsters so as
to provide better balance between the different town types.

- Hero Specialization Boost (if enabled) adds extra abilities to heroes with
spell and monster specialties.

- Extended Battles (if enabled) tweaks monster stats so as to slow down the
pace and increase the duration of most battles.

- First Money (if enabled) gives an equal number of starting resources
to all players, no matter what skill level you play at.

- Living Scrolls turns most of the combat scrolls into Living Scrolls that
have a chance of casting their own spell each round by themselves.

6. SCRIPT UPDATING. Many older scripts have been updated to make them even
better than before. Bugs have been fixed and scripts have been revamped to
work with the WoGify Options and the new Commander artifacts. In a few cases,
completely new features have been added.

7. COMMANDER ARTIFACTS. Ten unique Commander artifacts are included in the
map editor and may show up in WoGified maps. Many of the Commander artifacts
will continually increase the bonus they grant the Commander after several
battles have been won. These added incremental bonuses are lost if the
Commander dies or unequips the artifact.

8. NEW OBJECTS. Nine new objects have been added to the game.
These are: a new treasure chest, a barrel (if not scripted it acts like
a treasure chest), two new signs, a new magic well, a magic book on
a pedestal (new shrine), and three "empty" scriptable objects.

9. SCRIPT EDITOR. The script editor has been updated to make it even
friendlier than ever with comprehensive built-in help and new features.

10. ERM EXTENSIONS. More than a dozen new ERM features have been added
for your scripting pleasure, including: AI movement control, mouse click
triggers for the town screen, hero screens, and combat screen, full Commander
support via ERM, post-event and post-object triggers, artifact
equipping/unequipping triggers, global monster and skill name replacement,
and more! Please read ERM357.TXT for full details on the new ERM features.

Version 3.57f (final)

2.   Bug Fixing

 1. Commander Info Screen hang up bug is fixed. The game hung if you try
to open the Commander Info Screen (click on the handshake icon in the Hero
Info Screen). This also happened if a Hero gets experience and his/her
Commander gains a level.

 2. Bug fixed. Customer script may be added with script##.ers file to
the WoGifiing Options Dialog.

 3. SoD bug fixed.
 It happened if the AI calculates if he/she can hire the neutral creature
in an external dwelling and has the Angelic Alliance (AA).
 It seems that at least one AI hero may have AA later in the game and it
seems to be a common reason for game crashes on the 4th month or later.
 And the bigger map you have, the more chance to get this bug.

 4. Commander Death Stare bug fixed.
 The maximum number of killed with Death Stare creatures was 1.
 Now it is Commander_Level/Monster_Level as stated in the description.

 5. Commander reviving price is corrected.
 So it gives:
 Level  1 = 100
 Level  2 = 200
 Level  3 = 500
 Level  4 = 800
 Level  5 = 1300
 Level 20 = 20000

 6. MP transfer time is dramatically reduced (by several times!).
 Now the first turn transfer is as large as usual but all later transfers
are much less.
 For making a saved game smaller you can use now the Script Editor feature
that is called "anti comment". This will remove all non-functional parts of
any script making it up to two times smaller.

 7. MP Bug fixed. If an AI Hero attacks a Human at another PC (AI players
run at the PC with the latest Human player), the Commander info was not
transferred properly.

 8. Now all monsters stacks (wandering or stationary) may be checked for
"unexpected legion" (number is equal to 4095 that is the maximum value)
that may happen in the game. If you try to check such a stack using a right
mouse click on it, you will get an offer to remove this stack from the map.
 You can delete visible and invisible stacks this way (until invisible
Wandering Monster problem is fixed completely).

 9. The system of Commander Ballistas and First Aid Tents is changed.
 If the hero-owner has a corresponding stack, the number of Commander's
units is added to this stack. If there is no Hero's stack, the new stack
is placed at the same place.
 The summoned Commander's monsters are also located now at the new place
(before catapult).

10. You cannot Dismiss or Rename Commander and move Commander's Artifacts
to/from a Commander when it's not your turn.
 WARNING! If you open a Commander dialog when it's not your turn, it will
block the MP game until you close it.
 For example, if an enemy hero attacks your hero/town/garrison, a battle
screen will not appear until you close the Commander dialog.
 So, here is a hint. Either do not check your Commander info at your turn
or do it quickly to avoid MP connection interrupt.

11. Bug fixed. Invisible Legion of Wandering Monsters will not appear on
the Adventure Map anymore.

12. The campaign "A Life of A-d-v-e-n-t-u-r-e" was updated by the author.

13. SoD MP bug fixed.
In MP battle if AI hero attacked a distant human hero and a defending (human)
hero won and got any new secondary skills, they were not shown correctly
when this player got his/her turn back and game crashes if you tried to see
a description of such incorrectly shown skills.

3.   Bug Fixing in the beta version 3.57m (18.11.02).


4.   ERM and WoG improvements.


5.   ERM and WoG improvements in the beta version 3.57m (18.11.02).


WoG version: 3.58

* Updated WoG Docs!  The HTML document describing all the new features of WoG has finally
been updated, and it's bigger and better than ever. It includes colour pictures, additional
artwork, and descriptions of all features new and old, including stack experience, Commanders,
new creatures with entertaining story backgrounds, new Artifacts, and a brief description of
each and every WoGify script in the game.

* WoG 3.58 has DOUBLE the number of WoGify options that 3.57f had!  Many new scripts have been
added and many old scripts have been revised and updated with new features.  To find out what
each option does, simply right-click on it in the WoGify options screen.  Some will amaze you,
others will dazzle you, and a few may even annoy the heck out of you (or your opponents).

* Now you can save and load WoG Options files using real file names!  This feature lets you
easily create as many different sets of WoG Options as you like, and is extremely useful for
online play against different opponents.

* A New Hard-coded Feature: Stack Experience!  With this feature enabled, troop stacks lead by
a hero gain experience from combat, advancing from rank 0 up to rank 10 and gaining bonus stats
and special abilities along the way.

* Customizable Stack Experience System!  If you don't like our choice of abilities and bonuses
for stack experience, why not create you own?  Yes, that's right--we've made it relatively easy
to do just that.  If you enjoy tinkering with setup files, simply consult the documents in the
Data\Text Resource Copy folder of your WoG installation, load the appropriate file into the ERM
scripter and customize to your heart's content!

* Two New Hard-coded Features: Leave Artifacts on the Map, and Troops Rejoin their Owner!  Now
you can drop artifacts from your backpack onto any empty map square, and you can also choose to
allow troops left on a map square to rejoin their owner again rather than fleeing.

* A New Hard-coded Feature: Disable Cheat Menus.  This is perfect for online games where the
risk of cheating is in the back of everyone's mind.  It's also good for those of you who want
a challenge but find it hard to resist the occasional cheat code or cheat menu selection.

* New Creatures!  WoG 3.58 adds five new creatures to the game: the Sorceress, a ranged spell
caster, the Sylvan Centaur, a Centaur-Elf crossbreed (read the background story to see how this
strange union came about), the fiery and frisky Hell Steed, the terribly fearsome Werewolf that
may transform even the most dangerous foe into one of its own, and the even more terribly
fearsome Dracolich, a deathcloud-throwing, fire-breathing undead Dragon--yikes!

* New Artifacts!  Five exciting new artifacts appear in WoG 3.58: the Warlords Banner is a
special customizable artifact for troop stacks that's used in conjunction with the new Stack
Experience system--if you equip one to a stack, you can choose the type of bonus the stack
receives; the Crimson Shield of Retribution lets your units retaliate against no-retaliation
type attackers (e.g., Vampires, Hydras); the Dragonheart is an ancient relic that summons
dragons to aid your hero in combat; the mysterious Gate Key lets you temporarily "lock" a
town for several days to protect it against enemy attack; and the Barbarian Lord's Axe of
Ferocity is a new Combination Artifact (created from several standard artifacts), that gives
an additional attack to each melee unit you control--thus a unit that normally attacks once,
attacks twice, and one that normally attacks twice will attack THREE times each round with this
powerful relic equipped.

* New BLANK Artifacts!  You asked for them, you got them.  Now ERM script writers have a set of
"blank" artifacts that do absolutely NOTHING on their own, but can be given exciting abilities
through ERM by whatever clever script they can conceive of.

* New ERM Commands Galore!  3.58 adds a TON of new ERM triggers, receivers, and extended
commands, as well as a new set of temporary "y-" variables designed specifically for triggers.
Some of the more interesting ERM commands include control over creature banks and customization
of Combination Artifacts (create your own Combo!).  Stack Experience is fully supported through
ERM as well.  Consult the updated HTML Help, the Scripter ERM Help, or the erm358.txt file for
full details.

WoG version: 3.55f

1. Problem with "place visiting hero in a town garrison" is fixed.

2. Problem with automated "place visiting hero in a town
garrison" when a town is being attacked is fixed.

3. A new option to UN:U command (no syntax changes) is added:
 Now if you use search object syntax UN:Ut/st/ind/vind you can set
ind to -1 (it was allowed to be 1...N before). This will mean that I
will search the next object of a type, using coordinates of a
previously found object of the same type.
 In the standard syntax (ind=1...N) it is searching object from the
beginning of the map and skip them until ind object is found. Thus it
is a long process.
 In a new syntax (ind=-1) it takes the coordinates that was returned in
v[vind]/v[vind+1]/v[vind+2] variable and starts searching for the first
object of a type from the next square on the map, not from the
beginning. It means that the process should be faster but it needs
that you HAVE NOT CHANGED the returned coordinates of the previous
search in V vars.
 Moreover for the first object you should use a standard syntax OR
you may set V[xcoord] var to -1 (see examples below).

 Also a support for backward quick search is added. Use -2 to set it to
the last object on the map and use index -2 to go one object backward.

4. Fixed error with parsing !?MP prigger.

5. !#FU:C#; - enable check for setting y vars outside of functions (0-checking is ON, 1-OFF)

6. Fixed a bug with using Emissaries in campaigns ... when you move to the next
map, you keep your God Bonus.

7.  A bug with Werewolf is fixed. If it turns Phoenixes to
Werewolves and it has a rebith feature not used, it still rebirths
just over newly created Werewolves and they both fight then.

8. Added a check for incorrect Commander type value (CO:T and CO:H commands).

9. "No shooting animation loaded" for Commanders in some cases are fixed. It apeared like a crash when
a neutral Commander tried to shoot in some Creature banks, for example.

10. Creature Bank bonus monster number overflow fixed. Appeared as a crash after winning a battle
in a Creature Banke later in the game (month 5 or later).
Added a check for CB:M command.

11. SoD fix. In MP game if you press right mouse key to any town in the list of towns in the right botom corner
of Town screen, you could see towns of the current player, not yours. If you have more towns than the current
player, the game may crash if you try to check a town that is out of current player town range.

12. Level 8 Creatures will not be affected now by option "creature accumulates in dwelling".

13. "Incorrect Window Handle" message fix. In some cases you culd get this warning before any new WoG dialog appeared.

14. Secondary Skill Hero Speciality "Pathfinding" icon should be shown correct now.

15. Creature Experience fearture "Immune to all spells including benificial" icon should be shown correct now.

16. UN:U26... (Placed Event object) now should work properly.

17. flags 997 and 998 are set now correctly at both sides for Human vs Human network based battle.

18. "Choose Action Type" (right mouse click at "Defend" button) is disabled during Human vs Human network based battle.

19. Version of ERM is set to 2.8.1 (return 281).

20. If you delete (UN:O) and then place (UN:I) an external dwelling at the same location, you were not able to set up
a new dwelling. Now fixed.

21. In MP game if you view an allied town, the space bar pressing is disabled (SoD bug fix).

22. In MP game if you view an allied town, you cannot now go to a hero info screen for allied hero (SoD bug fix).

23. In MP game if you view an allied town, you cannot now swap allied heroes [garrisoned <-> visited] (SoD bug fix).

24. In MP game you cannot now demolish any building in allied town.

Вот так вот. Тот, кто не видел последнего патча 3.58f - срочно качает и устанавливает!

P.S. Есть только одно НО. Все патчи весят около 40 метров... :D  Если версия героев 3.5 кривая, то ещё 30 метров для апгрейда на Дыхание смерти...
За женщиной остается последнее слово в любом споре.
Всякое слово, сказанное мужчиной после этого, является началом нового спора.


Издеваешься? Я и по русски бы охренел. А у ж по англисски и вообще в трансе.

Давай по-русски.
Чужой земли не нужно нам и пяди, но и своей вершка не отдадим!


Неплохо б узнать, где их можно скачать :D  
хочу уйти...


Во-во. Но скорей всего на
[Для просмотра ссылки зарегистрируйтесь] есть.

Другое дело, насколько разница велика.
Чужой земли не нужно нам и пяди, но и своей вершка не отдадим!


Издеваешься? Я и по-русски бы охренел. А у ж по-англисски и вообще в трансе.
Давай по-русски.

Млин. Ну дык я охренею вручную перевод писать. К тому же тут всё и так понятно. Да и патчи-то, только английские. Привыкайте, господа!
Возможно, Lilit для всех переведёт  :D. Она вроде хорошо английский знает  :P
Я лишь в кратце набросаю...
1. Добавлено много новых построек на карте и элементов пейзажа.
2. Добавлены новые юниты (довольно много)
3. Исправлены некоторые специальности героев.
4. Каждый герой имеет командира (типа как в четвёртых герой на поле боя). Эти коммандеры имеют свои навыки (влияют только на них) и особенности расы. Для них есть спец. артифакты.
5. Армия героя теперь может обучаться. С обучением возрастают как боевые (атака, скорость, защита, хэлсы) так качественные (различные доп. умения и магия) параметры. Для юнитов то ж предусмотрены артефакты.
6. Замки можно разрушать (сперва разрушив там постройки). Можно на руинас строить новый.
7. В замке теперь есть банк (можно отдалживать бабло и ресурсы)
8. Добавлено много новых артифактов. Большое кол-во старых артифактов ПЕРЕДЕЛПНО. Особенно это касается всякого гавнеца. Теперь отстойных артифактов фактически нет (ну кроме +1 или +2 к одному из параметров)
9. Навыки героев основательно переделаны. Теперь не нужно сторониться таких некогда отстойных штучек типа следопыт, первая помощь, военные машины, волшебство и т.д.
10. Добавлен один новый ресурс.
11. Добавлены два новых вида сокровищ (сундучки на карте)
12. Ну и конечно же ЕРМ. ОЧЕНЬ сильно переработан.
13. Теперь в начале игры можно определять правила (типа все херы начинают с 5-го уровня, за каждый  уровень дают артифакт, в каждом замке - граль, герой бегает в два раза дольше, шахты менят вид добываемого ресурса раз в недели и т.д. и т.п.)
14. Короче, читайте оригинальный текст (см. пред. пост). Там всё подробнее и больше.
ЦитироватьДругое дело, насколько разница велика.

Просто огромна. С патчами совсем другая игра.
ЦитироватьНеплохо б узнать, где их можно скачать

я качал всё с [Для просмотра ссылки зарегистрируйтесь]. Можно слить и с [Для просмотра ссылки зарегистрируйтесь]
За женщиной остается последнее слово в любом споре.
Всякое слово, сказанное мужчиной после этого, является началом нового спора.

По всем вопросам пишите по адресу gratispp@mail.ru